Terms of Service

Welcome to FuseTech Solutions. We're glad you're here and we hope you enjoy our CRM software, digital marketing services, and everything else we have to offer.

Please read these Terms carefully because they are a binding agreement between you and FuseTech Solutions ("FuseTech" or "We").

These Terms govern your use of the websites that link to these Terms. In these Terms, the word "Sites" refers to each of these websites and the services offered on those Sites. You automatically agree to these Terms and to our Privacy Policy simply by using or logging into the Sites.

Please note that we offer many services. Your use of FuseTech products or services are provided by FuseTech pursuant to a separate manually or digitally-executed agreement. Those additional terms become part of your agreement with us if you use the services or log into the Sites.

A. Your Accounts

You may be required to create an account and specify a password in order to use certain services or features on the Sites. To create an account, you must be at least 18 years old, and you must provide truthful and accurate information about yourself. Don't try to impersonate anyone else when you create your account. If your information changes at any time, please update your account to reflect those changes.

In some cases, an account may be assigned to you by an administrator, such as your employer or educational institution. If you are using or logging into an account assigned to you by an administrator, additional terms may apply to your use of the Sites. Moreover, your administrator may be able to access or disable your account without our involvement.

You may not share your account with anyone else. Please keep your password confidential and try not to use it on other websites. If you believe that your account has been compromised at any time, please notify your system administrator.

B. Modifications and Termination

We reserve the right to modify our Services at any time, with or without notice to you. For example, we may add or remove functionality or features, and we may suspend or stop a particular feature altogether. We also reserve the right to charge a fee for any of our features at any time. If you don't like any changes, you can stop using our Services at any time.

C. Content You Post

We may provide opportunities for you to post text, photographs, videos, or other content (collectively, "Content") on the Services. You can only post Content if you own all the rights to that Content, or if another rights holder has given you permission.

You do not transfer ownership of your Content simply by posting it. However, by posting Content, you grant us, our agents, licensees, and assigns an irrevocable, perpetual (non-exclusive) right and permission to reproduce, encode, store, copy, transmit, publish, post, broadcast, display, publicly perform, adapt, modify, create derivative works of, exhibit, and otherwise use your Content. Without those rights, we couldn't offer our Services. Please note that this license continues even if you stop using our Services.

You agree to indemnify, release, and hold us harmless from any all liability, claims, actions, loss, harm, damage, injury, cost, or expense arising out of any Content you post.

Keep in mind that if you send us any information, ideas, suggestions, or other communications to us, those communications will not be confidential. Moreover, unless we tell you otherwise, we reserve the right to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such communications without any obligation to you.

D. User-Generated Content

If you post any text, photographs, videos, or other material (collectively, "User Content") on our Sites, you must have all necessary rights to do so. By posting User Content, you retain ownership but grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable right and permission to reproduce, encode, store, copy, transmit, publish, display, perform, adapt, modify, create derivative works, and use your User Content. This license remains in effect even if you stop using our Sites.

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless from any claims, actions, loss, harm, damage, injury, cost, or expense arising from your User Content.

Any information or ideas you send to us will not be confidential, and we may use, reproduce, disclose, and distribute such communications without any obligation to you.

E. Content Posted by Others

We do not endorse or take responsibility for any content posted by other users. We cannot be held liable for any loss or damage caused to you in relation to content posted by another user.

F. Proper Use of the Sites

Do not use our Sites in a manner that violates laws, infringes on rights, is offensive, or interferes with the Sites or their features. If we determine that you have acted inappropriately, we reserve the right to remove content, terminate your account, restrict your access to our Sites, and take legal action.

You do not gain ownership of any intellectual property rights to content on our Sites. To use such content, you must obtain permission from us or the content owner or be permitted by law.

By using our Sites and communicating with us electronically, you consent to receiving electronic communications related to your use of our Sites.

G. Intellectual Property Claims

If you believe any content on our Services infringes your copyrights, you can request its removal or disablement by following our specified procedure.

Our Trademark and Copyright Usage Guidelines, and our Permission to Use Trademark and/or Copyrighted Work Form can be found on designated pages.

H. Social Media Integration

Our Service may include features that work in conjunction with third-party social media websites, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, and Twitter. Your use of these features is governed by these Terms, while your use of third-party social media sites and their services is governed by their respective terms and agreements.

I. Warranty Disclaimer

While we strive to provide a high level of service, we cannot guarantee the reliability, availability, or suitability of our Sites to meet your needs. Our Sites are provided "as is," and we disclaim all warranties to the extent permitted by law.

J. Limitation of Liability

Except where prohibited, we shall not be liable for indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from your use of our Sites or any third party's use of the Sites.

K. Updates and Miscellaneous

We may update these Terms at any time, so check back regularly. By continuing to use or log in to a Site after changes to the Terms, you indicate your agreement with the revised Terms. If you disagree, stop using or logging in to the Sites.

Links to third-party websites and ads on our Sites do not imply our endorsement or control of those websites or products. Our inaction regarding any violation of these Terms does not waive our rights to take action in the future.

These Terms are governed by California law, and disputes shall be resolved in the courts of San Francisco, California. If any provision in these Terms is unenforceable, it will not affect the enforceability of other provisions.

L. Termination

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Sites and Services, without notice, for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to your violation of these Terms. Upon termination, you will have no further access to the Sites, and all of your Content may be deleted, although we may continue to use your Content in accordance with the license granted in Section D


In the event of termination, the provisions of these Terms that by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, limitations of liability, and governing law.

M. Entire Agreement

These Terms, along with our Privacy Policy and any other legal notices or additional terms and conditions or policies published by us on the Sites, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and us concerning the Sites and Services. If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect.

N. Waiver and Severability

No waiver of any term of these Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and our failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

O. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms or the Sites, please email us at legal@fusetechsolutions.com, and we will make an effort to address your concerns.

Please note that by accepting these Terms, you are also agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference.

Last updated: April 23, 2023

Contact Us


Mon-Fri: 7AM-7PM

‪(978) 378-0680‬

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